

Welcome to SEAT's Student Resource Hub! 

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on race, color, religion, sex or national origin in public accommodations and federally funded programs – schools!

Title IX prohibits discrimination on sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) safeguards students' constitutional First Amendment rights to free speech and expression at public schools if not causing a "substantial disruption."

When schools deprive students' rights, we organize to defend our rights because we own our education. This hub includes a variety of resources from our partners to help you know your rights and advocate for yourself and your community.

Check out our Get Involved page for more!

CDF: Student Advocacy Guide

Children's Defense Fund Texas collaborated with students across Texas to develop the comprehensive Student Advocacy Guide. We recommend taking a peek to get started on forming a sophisticated and sustainable movement for progress. 

ACLU: Students' Rights Hub

Don't assume school policy is justifiable or lawful. Know your rights so you know when to stand up when something is not right. SEAT collaborated with the ACLU of Texas to develop the Texas Students' Rights Hub, including a Know Your Rights knowledgebase and a legal intake form.

GLAAD: Book Bans Response Guide

Book bans are sweeping across the nation, but our organizing is replicable. SEAT has partnered with GLAAD in many ways, including developing this Guide for Community Response & Action on Book Bans. Learn the steps for organizing a local social movement, applicable to confronting book bans or any policy affecting students in schools.

NCAC: Report Censorship

One of the best ways to combat censorship is calling it out. SEAT organizer Da'Taeveyon Daniels serves on the advisory council of the National Coalition Against Censorship, for which SEAT is a member of the Kids' Right to Read Network defending students' rights and intellectual freedom. NCAC has a Reporting Form you can use to submit instances of censorship you are faced with.

Filing Complaints of Discrimination

Even without legal services, anyone affected by discrimination in schools can file a variety of complaint forms.

Public schools in Texas have an FNG policy in which a form may be requested and submitted, beginning the formal process of settling administrative policy issues with the district.

The U.S. Department of Education allows the public to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) or Privacy Policy Office regarding violations of federal law.

Connect with a SEAT Organizer

SEAT is fueled by the passions of student organizers. If you are faced with discrimination or have a vision for progress, we want to work with you to achieve your community transformation goals. You can schedule a virtual meeting via Calendly on our Get Involved page to discuss an upcoming school board meeting, inquire about community organizing, or simply seek support for a policy harming students.

PEN: Banned In The USA Research

PEN America has conducted leading research on the prevalance and trends of book banning nationwide. SEAT organizers have sourced local data, and the Banned in the USA reports can be used to learn more about the so-called "Ed Scare" and reinforce claims when discussing the issues of censorship.

ACLU: Dress code report

Research by the ACLU of Texas has revealed significant concern over school dress code policies that intentionally or otherwise harm students. Read the report and learn more about potential policy solutions for you to advocate.